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How Should You Prepare for HR Outsourcing?

CoAdvantage-If you are considering outsourcing some or all HR functions, or are considering expanding your outsourcing, do yourself a big favor and do some prep beforehand. This preparation does not have to be extensive or onerous – most reputable HR partners or Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) are very good at picking up from almost situation
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4 Tips for Creating a Mentoring or Coaching Program in the Workplace

CoAdvantage-Mentorship and coaching programs in the workplace can be enormously beneficial. Experience counts for a lot in the business world, and mentors can take skilled but less experienced workers and give them a chance to learn, improve, and grow under real-world conditions. In other words, they offer a great way to bridge the gap between
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Is It Time for Employers Everywhere to Adopt a 4-Day Workweek?

Is It Time for Employers Everywhere to Adopt a 4-Day Workweek?

CoAdvantage-The 40-hour workweek isn’t as old a tradition as you might think; it’s only been around for about a century. Back In the 19th and early 20th century, it was common to work 12 hours or more each day. Auto manufacturer Henry Ford changed that; he came to believe that overwork reduced productivity and increased
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Optimizing Employee Productivity Part 2: More Best Practices

Optimizing Employee Productivity Part 2: More Best Practices

CoAdvantage- Figuring out the right strategies to improve worker productivity isn’t easy, in part because everything affects worker productivity. Poor air quality affects productivity! Rheumatoid arthritis affects productivity! Ambient temperature affects productivity! So, the answer is not figuring out some single magic action or set of actions to take. Instead, it’s assembling the right constellation
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Diversity Program Effectiveness Part 3: Making the Case for Diversity

Diversity Program Effectiveness Part 3: Making the Case for Diversity

CoAdvantage-In our previous articles about implementing diversity programs in the workplace, we looked at the state of such programs and why they so often fail. In Part 1, we discussed some of the advantages of fostering greater diversity in the workplace; and in Part 2, we looked at what organizations can do to prevent their
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What do small employers get when they outsource HR?

What Do Small Employers Get When They Outsource HR?

CoAdvantage-The employment marketplace is facing incredible challenges – labor shortages, the so-called Great Resignation, huge changes in workplace policy thanks to the pandemic, the acceleration of technological changes like increased automation, and more. Employers are struggling to find, recruit, train, and retain qualified labor; and business owners are more pressed for time than ever, struggling
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3 Tips to Help Your Employees Grow And Stay At Your Company

How to Help Your Employees Grow and Stay at Your Company

CoAdvantage- Career development is a cornerstone of employee experience. Workers who have opportunities to grow in their roles and align their career trajectory with their personal goals will be happier, more satisfied, and more engaged. Indeed, well over half (57%) of the respondents to engagement technology platform provider Glint’s most recent State of Employee Engagement
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What Technologies Make the Biggest Difference in Human Resources

What Technologies Make the Biggest Difference in Human Resources

CoAdvantage-Digitization and the adoption of leading technologies is fueling transformation in the workplace. It’s no wonder: well-executed technology implementations can yield dramatic efficiency and performance gains. According to consultancy group McKinsey & Co., organizations that focused on updating and transforming business operations during the pandemic have significantly improved efficiencies, accomplishing outcomes in 10 days that
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Are Taxes Overtaxing for Your Small Business? 7 Strategies to Simplify Tax Season

7 Strategies to Simplify Tax Season for Your Small Business

CoAdvantage- Taxes are a perennial headache for small businesses. In fact, taxes of all sorts – federal, state, property – rank high on the list of small business problems, according to the most recent National Federation of Independent Business Small Business Problems & Priorities report. Employers cite taxes as a key challenge, with increasing tax
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Are Taxes Overtaxing for Your Small Business? 7 Strategies to Simplify Tax Season

The Top 5 Ways to Boost Employee Productivity

CoAdvantage-Addressing employee productivity in meaningful, useful, and actionable ways is a huge challenge for employers, especially for knowledge-based work that’s hard to translate into clear productivity metrics. Further complicating the question, raw production isn’t everything. As the famous axiom says, “Productivity is getting things done. Effectiveness is getting the right things done.” But what can
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