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Workforce Analytics 101: Your Top Questions

What is “workforce analytics”? Workforce analytics means applying the principles of Big Data to data generated by HR organizations. Also called “people analytics,” it means using existing data and statistics to generate insight into, and make evidence-based decisions about, HR issues like hiring decisions, compensation strategies, performance management, and more. Once a rare practice, now
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Should HR be the Moral Compass of Your Organization?

Who holds the moral reins at your organization? If you can’t answer that question, you’re running a terrible risk. Ethical and legal dilemmas are par for the course at any successful company. The question is not if you will face them, but what will you do when you do. In fact, handling tricky ethical issues
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Weathering the Flu Season in the Workplace

It goes without saying that the flu is bad for business! The CDC says that the direct cost for flu-related hospitalization and care each year is around $10.4 billion! Further, the flu can hit productivity even harder, as sick workers are forced to take time off. A flu season as bad as the 2009 swine
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“Microlearning” Versus Traditional Training

“Microlearning” means undertaking training modules (usually self-directed) in very short but frequent bursts, versus the longer but less frequent classes associated with traditional training. The idea has taken off among online training providers because it’s perfectly suited to their style of delivering education. They argue that “microlearning” is the perfect answer to a number of
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3 Ways Employee Performance Management is Changing

For decades, most organizations handled employee performance in a very staid and traditional way: conduct an annual review during which the employee would be evaluated and graded, with scores typically linked to salary increases, incentives, and promotions/continued employment. But this approach is rapidly falling out of favor. In an oft-cited statistic, business analyst Josh Bersin
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CoAdvantage’s Definitive Guide to Workplace Culture, Part 3: How to Improve Company Culture

In Part 1 of this series, we tried to define workplace culture and understand its impact on the workplace, employees, and business outcomes. In short, good culture produces good outcomes. But how do you know if your culture is good or bad? In Part 2, we examined the red flags that could indicate cultural problems.
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The Hidden, Eye-Opening Benefit of HR Technology

HR technology has a secret benefit you might not have thought about. In addition to giving you and your employees the ability to manage HR needs effortlessly and efficiently – including tracking time, payroll and PTO, accessing benefits information, and editing personal information – HR technology can also offer greater transparency and insight to business
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CoAdvantage’s Definitive Guide to Workplace Culture, Part 1: What is it, and How Does it Impact You?

Workplace culture can be an abstract concept, but it’s something that has very tangible impacts. As a result, it’s important for business leaders to have a good grasp on the culture of the workplace and, if necessary, take specific actions to improve it. In this three-part series, we will look at what workplace culture is,
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Is (Internal) Bureaucracy Slowing your Business Down?

The Harvard Business Review conducted a massive survey of 7,000 readers on bureaucracy in 2017, and their findings were sobering: “‘Bureaucratic drag’ slows work down, wastes time, stifles innovation, and causes employees to focus too much on internal matters rather than their customers. Not surprisingly, the problem is much worse in larger companies. And it seems to
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How to Deliver Constructive Criticism

How do you deliver constructive criticism in ways that will strengthen everyone’s work while avoiding unnecessary frustration or upset – particularly when reflecting on bad performance? Helpful communication is just as vital to a healthy workplace as to any other relationship, while good, it’s easier said than done to achieve, and many managers may find
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