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Employee Privacy FAQ: Key Questions

Can employers monitor employees’ telephone calls? For business calls, the answer is generally yes. Businesses may not monitor personal calls, but you can tell employees not to make personal calls from specified business phones which may be monitored. Notify employees of the company’s policy in employee handbooks or anywhere company policies are explained. Can employers
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How to Deal with Narcissists in the Workplace

As any employer knows, workplaces mix all kinds of personalities together. When hiring, employers hope to find the right personalities to catalyze success and productivity. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it works, and sometimes individuals who are disruptive, dysfunctional, or toxic can find their way into the workplace. Narcissists are an excellent example: their behavior
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Evidence-Based HR 101: What Is It and What Do You Need to Know?

What is evidence-based HR? All too often, professionals today make important business decisions mostly by “winging it”. Their decisions are fueled less by facts and more by factors like time (a fast decision is more important than a considered one), by gut instinct (it feels right), by hearsay (after hearing a decision worked another time
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HR Risk Management Part 2: Creating Your Risk Management Plan

Once you’ve identified HR-related risks as described in our first article in this series, it’s time for the next step: creating a plan to (1) reduce or eliminate the probability of that risk turning into an actual problem and (2) to minimize the damage done by the risk if it manifests anyway. The good news
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HR Risk Management Part 1: The HR Risks That Need to Be Managed

Risk is intrinsic to business (and life). Even if you closed your business down today, you wouldn’t totally escape the risks; your former risks would simply morph into new ones. At heart, a risk is anything that can go wrong, and many businesses underestimate their HR-related risks. According to consultancy group EY: “HR risks continue
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The Crazy, Quirky Perks Major Employers Offer Today

Most organizations offer employee benefits to remain competitive in the labor market: two-thirds of businesses cite difficulty in recruiting as a reason for increasing benefit offerings, according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s 2018 Employee Benefits Report. You’re probably already familiar with the usual suspects (retirement plans, health insurance coverage, etc.). Well, some employers
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11 Facts About Turnover

Turnover is a serious problem for many organizations. Losing employees means employers must search for, find, hire, onboard, and train a replacement – all tasks that cost money and time. In the meantime, productivity and possibly revenue may suffer. Turnover can also affect morale and engagement among remaining workers, which in turn can affect their
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What HR Functions Can You Outsource?

Human resources (HR) refers to far more than just one function. Your HR people handle a huge array of tasks and duties; that’s partly why HR can easily overwhelm small teams. Fortunately, it’s possible to outsource only individual pieces of your HR needs, when appropriate. Here are the most common HR functions that you can
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Is Employee Experience more Important than Employee Engagement?

One of the most interesting ideas articulated in Deloitte’s 2017 Human Capital Trends report is the idea of employee experience. Deloitte believes that employees are increasingly demanding a “holistic, end-to-end experience from their employers.” But what does that mean, and how might your organization address “employee experience”? What is “employee experience”? Given the links between
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How to Benchmark Your Benefits in Two Steps

Are you staying competitive in the employment marketplace by offering the benefits everyone else does? Do you stand out? Can you still attract top talent even if you drop an expensive benefits program? The process of comparing your benefits programs to other employers in your field is called benchmarking, and it’s a hugely important and
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