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CoAdvantage Manager Leadership

4 Ways to Deal with a Bad Manager or Management Team

CoAdvantage- From the perspective of a business owner, there may be only one thing worse than a bad employee: a bad manager. According to a Gallup Poll, managers account for an astounding 70% of the variance in employee engagement scores. Nothing – not wages, not benefits, not work environment – impacts employee engagement (and related[…]

CoAdvantage HR Resources

6 Resources for HR Managers and Small Business Owners

CoAdvantage- HR is a fast-moving and challenging field that can be overwhelming, especially when non-HR people are handling HR tasks (as is the case at startups and small businesses where the owner often handles many HR-related activities personally. Where can you find information and support for managing the wide array of HR duties – payroll,[…]

CoAdvantage Benefits

5 Best Practices for Communicating About Employer Benefits

CoAdvantage- When it comes to communicating about benefits, employers aren’t always the best. A survey from Health Advocacy, a health advocacy and concierge company, found that nearly half (41%) of employees report that benefits communication is too infrequent. Furthermore, the survey revealed a discrepancy between HR managers and employees in perceptions about the frequency of[…]

CoAdvantage HR

Post-COVID-19 Workforce and HR Strategy: Preparing for the “Next Normal”

CoAdvantage- Is COVID-19 going to permanently reshape the workplace? If so, how? We’ve already addressed the long-term outlook for remote work, but it’s worth reiterating that work from home options are likely going to be a major part of the employment landscape moving forward. According to a survey from The Hackett Group, virtual work has[…]

CoAdvantage Telehealth

Telehealth in 2021: Trends and Challenges

CoAdvantage- Telehealth, or the delivery of health services via remote technology, has seen as much of a increase over the past year as remote working from home has. Virtual appointments were already on the rise before the pandemic. A 2019 study found that telehealth services grew by 53%, an already impressive number, between 2016 and[…]

CoAdvantage Remote Work

How Many Hours Should Your Employees Work Remotely?

CoAdvantage- Working long hours is tough on a person, can infringe on family time, and often upsets a healthy work-life balance. Moreover, longer hours can worsen health problems, which has its own set of workplace consequences, like absenteeism and higher health insurance costs. Remote work may also be aggravating the problem of long hours, with[…]

CoAdvantage Recruitment

How to Expand Recruitment From Local to Nationwide

CoAdvantage- If more employers are embracing remote working – which seems to be the case – that means they can potentially expand recruitment nationwide, especially if the job roles are full-time remote or require only occasional in-person meetings. On the surface, that might be exciting. It means employers can access a larger talent pool that[…]

CoAdvantage PEO

5 Questions to Decide if You Should Outsource Your HR to a PEO

CoAdvantage- Professional Employer Organizations (PEOs) can be an exceptional option for cash- and resource-strapped small to midsize business owners. They let these organizations gain access to enterprise-grade services and experts in recruitment, benefits administration, labor compliance, risk management, and more, all at economy-of-scale pricing. But how do you know when a PEO becomes the right[…]

CoAdvantage Remote Work Salaries

Will Remote Working Allow Employers to Reduce Salaries?

CoAdvantage- Remote work is likely here to stay, and its increased use raises some interesting questions around recruiting. One potential implication is that employers can expand recruitment efforts from their local area to nationwide (or beyond). “As talent becomes more of a national marketplace, some of my clients have been contemplating the idea of having[…]

CoAdvantage Crisis

5 Ways to Turn a Crisis Into an Opportunity

CoAdvantage- Every crisis contains the seed of opportunity. As Winston Churchill said, “Never waste a good crisis.” Indeed, in normal circumstances, leaders and organizations frequently resist even smart or necessary change. Thus, a crisis situation can potentially generate the necessary urgency and motivation to make positive changes. As The Wall Street Journal writes, “A crisis[…]