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Does Workplace Drug Testing Actually Work?

Does Workplace Drug Testing Actually Work?

CoAdvantage- Do drug tests work? The answer is complicated and nuanced. In short, drug screening probably does help to curb drug use and potentially reduce performance problems and accidents, but not necessarily to a degree that justifies the costs involved. One study looked at pre-employment drug testing at a large hospital over a six-month period.
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PEOs Vs. Online Cloud-Based (SaaS) HR Services

PEOs Vs. Online Cloud-Based (SaaS) HR Services

CoAdvantage- Online, cloud-based, software-as-a-service (SaaS) platforms that focus on a specific HR function (like payroll) are incredibly popular today, especially for small and midsize businesses that need some help executing one or more HR tasks. These online service providers are often relatively low-cost and effort to start using, but they are also typically limited to
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Navigating Flu Season and Covid-19 in 2022

Navigating Flu Season and Covid-19 in 2022

CoAdvantage- What can employers expect from flu season this year? If we were to judge by the past couple of years, it might well be mild. The 2020-2021 flu season saw “unusually low” activity, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control, with only around 600 deaths attributable to the flu. That’s an incredible 97%
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How Do Employees React to HR Outsourcing or Working with PEOs?

Learn 4 Ways Working With a PEO Can Help Your Business Grow!

CoAdvantage- Here’s a key important question for any organization considering outsourcing some or all of their HR functions to a third-party partner: does the act of outsourcing help or hurt the employer’s relationship with current and future employees? We have some pretty good evidence that employees like it. The National Association of PEOs conducted an
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What Is Behavior-Based Interviewing?

What Is Behavior-Based Interviewing?

CoAdvantage -Traditional interviewing takes a background-focused approach to questioning job candidates. These interviewers want to understand the applicant’s experience and skills to gain a deeper understanding of where the candidate is coming from and whether the new role fits into their career trajectory. This method allows interviewers to get a feel for the candidate in
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What Is Behavior-Based Interviewing?

5 Steps to Counteract the Shortage of Skilled, In-Demand Workers

CoAdvantage – It’s a tough time to be recruiting. With an unemployment rate that’s been at or below 4% for most of 2022 – reaching as low as 3.6% before summer – good workers are harder than ever to come by. The labor shortages aren’t evenly distributed through the market, however, and that means the
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3 “Hidden” Hybrid Work Challenges You Might Not Think About

3 “Hidden” Hybrid Work Challenges You Might Not Think About    

CoAdvantage – Remote work and work-from-home programs have truly taken off since 2020. According to Gallup, over nine in ten American workers want to continue working from home at least part of the time; nearly three in 10 say they’d look for new work if they were permanently recalled to the office. But these work
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Drug Screening in the Workplace: Everything You Need to Know

Drug Screening in the Workplace: Everything You Need to Know

CoAdvantage – Everything you need to know about drug screening your employees. What is drug testing or drug screening? Some employers test some or all of their employees for the presence of illegal substances, most commonly looking for indicators of marijuana, cocaine, phencyclidine (PCP), amphetamine, and/or opiate consumption. Drug testing can be conducted in several
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