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4 Tips to Keep Your Business in Compliance During the Holiday Season

CoAdvantage- The holidays can be a fun time of year. It can also be incredibly stressful season; and in a year when employers are simultaneously facing a pandemic and may be short-staffed, it’s critical to be smart about how you manage your workforce during this period to stay in compliance with all relevant labor laws.
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7 Tips to Manage Disengaged Employees for Maximum Productivity

7 Tips to Manage Disengaged Employees for Maximum Productivity

CoAdvantage- Workplace disengagement incurs a heavy price for employers, resulting in lost profitability and productivity – as much as $550 billion in yearly lost productivity for the U.S. economy. Worse, disengagement is dismayingly common. According to Gallup, which has been tracking engagement levels in the U.S. workforce for decades, only 34% of U.S. workers are
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3 Tips for Dealing with Flu and Cold Season on Top of COVID-19

CoAdvantage- Is the United States potentially facing a “twindemic” of both a bad flu season and a COVID-19 surge as we head into the 2021-2022 season? We asked the same question last year, and a twindemic didn’t come even close to happening. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC), a typical flu season
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Is Your HR Strategically Aligned With Your Business Interest?

Is Your HR Strategically Aligned With Your Business Interests?

CoAdvantage- What is strategic HR? The idea of strategic HR is a relatively recent invention in the world of business. It dates back to 1984 with the publication of Strategic Human Resource Management by Charles Fombrun, Noel Tichy, and Mary Anne Devanna. A historical overview of the concept of strategic HR neatly summarized their definition
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The 5 Levels to Successful Employee Engagement

5 Levels to Successful Employee Engagement

CoAdvantage- Employee engagement is one of those concepts that’s hugely consequential but also frustratingly hard to pin down. Highly engaged employees are far more profitable (the top 1% add $5,000 in profit annually on average), for example). A highly engaged workforce generates 21% greater profitability overall and outperforms comparable but less engaged organizations by 202%.
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The Power of PEOs

The Power of PEOs: Why HR Outsourcing is Skyrocketing in Popularity

CoAdvantage- The Professional Employer Organization (PEO) industry is booming. A report from the National Association of PEOs looked at PEOs over the past decade and found an industry whose growth had outpaced even normal employee growth. Specifically, since 2008, the compounded annual growth rate of the PEO industry has exceeded the comparable growth rate of
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Are Employee Benefits Even More Important to Employees Post-COVID

Are Employee Benefits Even More Important to Employees Post-COVID?

CoAdvantage- The pandemic has hit workers hard, and it’s led to wide-ranging impacts that touch on unexpected areas. For example, workers seem to be valuing their benefits programs more than ever. According to MetLife’s 19th Annual U.S. Employee Benefit Trends Study (2021), nearly two-thirds (62%) of employees say that benefits are more important to them
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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Manage Workers According to Their Generation

3 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Manage Workers According to Their Generation

CoAdvantage- 1: Stop thinking about employees in terms of generations.  That’s not to say there aren’t meaningful differences between, say, Baby Boomers and Gen Z, but most of those difference have little or nothing to do with their generation specifically. Instead, they’re due to age and, relatedly, career stage and other factors, like how long
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